Due Diligence

Informed decision-making during deals

About the Client

The company is a leading FinTech company that specialises in blockchain solutions for financial institutions and governments. One of their key focus areas is the development and implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Our Client provides a comprehensive suite of tools and services to assist central banks in the issuance, distribution, and management of digital currencies, ultimately aiming to transform the global financial landscape.


Decide which projects to allocate funds to among multiple options, necessitating a comprehensive decision-making base.

The need to evaluate assets thoroughly and determine the most viable allocation of funds.

Get an opinion from the outside regarding projects.


Evaluate business prospects, considering market dynamics and other relevant factors.

Identify and select the most promising companies for strategic investment.

To prepare documents that would be of interest to investors.

Our solution and results

Conducted a thorough survey

Of the market and competitors to inform decision-making.

Developed a financial and operational model

Forecasting future cash flows.

Made assessment

Of the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and performed a Company Comparable Analysis (CCA).

Obtained a result aligned with assumptions

Made, providing a comprehensive assessment of the company.

Prepared an investment document

Encompassing valuation analysis and an investment summary.

Project highlights

Market and competitor analysis

Сonducted a thorough survey of the market and competitors and gathered critical data to inform decision-making.

Financial and operational modeling

Developed a robust financial and operational model for the company, projecting future cash flows, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), and Company Comparable Analysis (CCA), to assess asset valuation.

Strategic assessment and insights

Developed a comprehensive result, providing a clear evaluation of the business prospects and investment potential.

Investment document preparation

Prepared an investment document that included a detailed valuation analysis and a brief investment summary.

Elevate your business with Mezen's expertise

Take the first step for it

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